I AM SEAN BELL, black boys speak from Stacey Muhammad on Vimeo.
Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo, Oscar Grant, ...all excessive incidents of police brutality towards unarmed young Black men.
Don't worry...my fist isn't raised up in the air, nor am I claiming that everybody in positions of authority are corrupt. Its never that simple. I just want to make sure we're all aware of what's going on. A 22 year old man with a four year old daughter rides the subway a few blocks from my home, is accosted by police, and ends up SHOT, close range, in front of a crowd of bewildered Oakland residents, many of them filming the incident on their cell phones? Wow. I'm saddened by the fact that I even have to write this. Saddened by the fact that instead of happy, healthy, lives, these individuals have become mere names in a song, postings on a blog, or a one minute segment on the nightly news, a tragic story told just before moving on to the weather, or sports. I try and let it go, but I can't. Not when I see the images plastered all over Oakland, hear the helicopters above keeping a close eye on protesters. Change and Progress are such poetic words, but all I see around me is Pain and Anger. And the image of this face.

Truth be told, I hate talking about race. Like many of us, I've evolved beyond the dated concept, and moved on into more important issues; the pursuit of happiness, self fulfillment, careers, family, God, Love. But every once in a while (in this country, approximately every year), something like this happens, and reminds us how closely race and social class are intertwined, especially in this United States of America. It reminds me that as the most feared minority group in this country (some would argue with this, post a comment and lets talk), it is unsafe for me to walk the streets of my own neighborhood, because clearly, my life can be taken at any time, irregardless of my family, friends, past and future. All it takes is a slight misinterpretation and a run in with someone with the authority to abuse power.
I'm grateful to all those who are the change they wish to see, who have taken steps to erase racism, transcend borders and stereotypes. I pray for those who for some reason, fail to see how precious a human life is...regardless of age, color, background, sex, sexual orientation, political class, people are people.
Lets Progress...please.

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