So March marks the celebration of the female gender with "Women's History Month". BIG UPS TO ALL WOMEN! Um, no, I am not a woman but I sure do love 'em. And no it's not because of what they have between their legs, or their curves, or their smiles, or their decidely superior wit than us men. While these things are all attractive, I am bigging up women because they complete us, balance us, nurture us, support us. We would not be here if not for women...literally. "So I wonder why we take from our women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women?," as the late-great Tupac Shakur stated and asked. It's true: we men need to take more responsibility for the way women are treated. Women are degraded, abused verbally and physically, mistreated by so many of us for so long that we think it is the norm. But it's not. Do your research and you will find women rulers of ancient kingdoms from the continent of Africa to the shores of Asia. Look around now and you will see women in numerous leadership positions, controlling revenue, managing employees, deciding policies. No, women are not inferior. They are our equals and should be treated like it. We are in a time of progress in both America and the world, I believe. So, like the previous post stated, let's progress...please. While it shouldn't take an arbitrary month to recognize and celebrate women, just like Black History Month, it is still needed today to shine light on issues that go unnoticed by far too many. So take time to appreciate the "other" gender this month. Don't do it because I said so. Do it for your mother, your sister, your third grade teacher, your first crush, your current lover. Do it because you know it's right and it's needed and it resonates with your spirit and being.
There are plenty of events supporting this cause this month. Check your local newspaper to find out what they are and where they are. Also check out the V-Day Movement and the National Women's History Project. Better yet, just acknowledgethe plight of the female race by random acts of kindness, reading up on women leaders, and/or spreading the word about us men adjusting our attitudes towards our lovely partners. Let's show them that we care.
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